
Chapter 2 - Spooky Mini Lemon

It was September 30th, 2016. VannaMelon was in her house, minding her own business, sweeping the floor and humming to herself. Outside, the sound of a clocktower’s bell could faintly be heard. It was midnight. There was a loud knocking at her door. “Hello?” Vannamelon turned around. The knocking continued. She walked towards the door and reluctantly opened it. “Hel-” Mini Lemon kicked the door down, flinging it open, and put a bag over her head. Lemon pulled it tight around her face, suffocating her. Melon couldn’t hear anything, and her vision faded to black.

A few hours later, she woke up tied to a chair. Gasping for air, she looked around her. Mini Lemon laughed and kicked the chair over. Melon hit the floor and started crying.

“W-Who are you?” she sobbed. “What are you doing!?” Lemon was holding a knife.

“At long last...” she stood above her. “I think it’s time that I take away something of yours. Something important…” she slowly raised her knife, laughing.

“No…no..N-NO NO PLEASE YOU CAN-.” Lemon kicked her in the face, knocking her out.

Weeks had passed, and Mini Lemon had spent all of that time torturing VannaMelon. Seeing her suffering put a smile on her face. Vanna had begged for mercy and desperately tried to figure out her motives.

It was another painful night for VannaMelon. She woke up to the sight of Mini Lemon standing on the other side of the room, glaring at her.

“...What do you want from me?” Mini Lemon looked down at Melon and walked up to her. She leaned onto the cage that Vanna was locked inside of.

“The melons gone… and the lemons remaining.” She looked into her eyes intensely, smiling, and then turned to walk back to the table on the other side of the room, where she seemed to be building something.

“Ugh…” Vanna mumbled. “Did she have to lock me up like this?”

The days dragged on until Halloween came, and VannaMelon was fed up with being trapped. “Hey!” she screamed from inside of her cage. “Can you explain to me why exactly you’re doing this!?” she paused. “...What even are you???” Mini Lemon giggled.

“Well you see, I’m your little spooky Mini Lemon.”


Lemon sighed. “Your spooky wooky kooky sour clone.” She giggled again. “I maybe plan to kill the fruity goodness.” Melon looks to the left, then right.


“But your precious melonheads will never be alone, since I’ll take your place after I get rid of you.” Melon was terrified. “You see, this little spooky Mini Lemon just wants to steal and rule the Melon throne!” she turned around smugly, with a cruel but excited smile on her face. “And become THE LEMON QUEEN!” she yelled.

As she was distracted, bragging about her plan, VannaMelon had managed to escape the cage, and was trying to sneak her way out. Mini Lemon had seen her out of the corner of her eye, though.

“The better, not-a-melon clone!” She whipped around and pointed a sour patch kids gun at her face.

“HOLY CRAP-”. Lemon shot her point-blank, but Melon deflected it with her iPhone. The sour patch bullet destroyed the right half of her face, taking out her eye and the lemon slice on her head. Her voice got shaky.

“Your s-spooky wooky kooky lemon CLAAAHHHHH!!!” She started melting from the face down. Her entire body was reduced to a puddle.

VannaMelon busted out of the old warehouse that she was apparently being held in and ran away towards home as fast as she possibly could. She had barely reached her kingdom when she found herself in so much pain that she couldn’t move anymore. Thankfully, one the Melon Guards found her and brought her safely back home.

credit to french-teapot on Deviantart

